I was looking at a video about US Army Arctic clothing/fieldcraft from 1974. This got me thinking about and comparing their cold weather system to ours during the cold war era.
I know that for bottoms there was the CF Wind pant.
But I can`t seem to figure out what the intended insulating layer was for the legs?
I know the OD fleece sweat pants came around sometime, possibly the 80s but that is not clear to me when that was or what existed prior to the fleece pant?
Thank you!
I was looking at a video about US Army Arctic clothing/fieldcraft from 1974. This got me thinking about and comparing their cold weather system to ours during the cold war era.
I know that for bottoms there was the CF Wind pant.
But I can`t seem to figure out what the intended insulating layer was for the legs?
I know the OD fleece sweat pants came around sometime, possibly the 80s but that is not clear to me when that was or what existed prior to the fleece pant?
Thank you!