by qsamike Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:13 pm
Hello Wouter.......
It is hard to explain in a short time but I suggest you look at this website:
But I will try with this short explination:
1) When the medal was made the raised dates 1899-1900 were on the reverse..... The British expected the war to last only one year...... When it lasted longer the medals were re-stamped by the mint with a die that had the dates removed..... This is where you see the shadow dated medals..... When the medal gets dirty you can see the faint outline of the dates......
2) There are three types of reverse to the QSA: A - The arm of Britannia pointing to the letter R in Africa and has the Raised Dates..... Type B - Is the re-stamped medal with no dates just the shadow, arm to the R of course..... Type C - Is a new Die with the arm of Britannia pointing to the letter F in Africa.....
3) Of the Type One there were an unknown number accidentally issued..... Of the Type Two, the figures are controversial but about 95,000 and the balance, late issues and KSA's are all Type 3.....
4) Of the Type One there are only about 60 known to exist..... So of the over about 200,000 medals issued there are only the 60 and that is what makes it quite rare..... Oh yes the Strathcona's had 596 medals issued to the unit.....