Don't get too excited...I'm sure this one was probably some young kids artistic triumph. The model kit decals have been on the helmet probably about as long as the reddish brown dot camo. I can't even scratch them off. You can easily tell the paint has a lot of age and almost looks convincing enough....but I think it was probably painted and decaled up as a Japanese helmet by some kids playing war. I got it from the US for dirt cheap so I went for it. It actually is a pretty cool looking helmet...odd, but pretty cool.
I've never seen camo like this used by the British, but it does resemble some tropical camo styles I've seen before. Just the reddish brown color throws me off.
I've never seen camo like this used by the British, but it does resemble some tropical camo styles I've seen before. Just the reddish brown color throws me off.
Last edited by mk1rceme on Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total