Infanteer wrote:Actually, I think Glenn should take what Ed says to heart. There is a lot of wisdom in what he (and others) is saying. It's clear that Glenn is passionate about the story behind his jerkin which is great. It's great to see someone being passionate about this hobby. However, for the rest of us the story is just that... an unsubstantiated story. I'm very happy that Glenn is sharing his great piece with us but I too am looking forward to some period photos or some other proof that the jerkin was both used and modified by a Canadian soldier during the war. I'm not convinced. Over the years we have all seen people trying to justify their pieces and normally the only people they are convincing is themselves.
I see what you mean Steve. I suppose I should have said, take no personal offence to what Ed and others said. I think we have all at one time or another bought into a story. It can be an expensive purchase for sure.
Looking forward to seeing and learning more about these Jerkins.